Epigenetic alterations in cancer
The recent discovery of TET (Ten-eleven-translocation) enzyme functions has led to a paradigm shift in our understanding of how imbalances in DNA methylation-demethylation dynamics are coupled to cancers. The TET proteins (TET1, TET2 and TET3) alter DNA methylation status by sequentially oxidizing 5-methylcytosine. The resulting oxidized methylcytosines function as intermediates in DNA demethylation as well as independent epigenetic marks. Because DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation are highly aberrant in cancers, leading to abnormal gene expression and genomic instability, we will take the DNA methylation-demethylation cycles as a starting point of our research, with an emphasis on understanding the role of TET proteins in normal and oncogenic hematopoiesis.
혈액암 (백혈병) 및 고형암 (간암, 유방암, 대장암) 발달
정상 성체줄기세포 혹은 암줄기세포 조절 메커니즘
면역세포 정상분화 및 암화
생체 내 대사, 비만, 당뇨, 염증 및 면역반응
유전자 발현 및 세포 분화의 후생유전학적 조절 기전

Translational application of cancer-specific epigenetic aberrations
Global epigenomic alterations common in cancers represent an attractive target for cancer therapy because epigenetic marks are generated and erased in a highly dynamic and reversible manner. Loss of TET function is generally associated with malignant transformation. Thus, we are exploring whether manipulation of methylcytosine oxidation status by targeting TET enzymes displays clinical efficacy in cancer patients. To this aim, we will identify proteins or small molecules that physically or functionally interact with TET enzymes, then molecular basis of their action and therapeutic effects will be rigorously tested alone or in combination with conventional therapy.
종양특이적 후생유전학적 변이를 표적으로 하는 신개념 항암 치료제 개발