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Deciphering and exploiting cancer-specific alterations to improve cancer therapy
How do alterations in the epigenetic landscape disturb the barrier between normal and malignant states, ultimately leading to the development of cancers? How can we translate these cancer-specific aberrations into more efficient therapeutic strategies? These are two overarching questions that our current research endeavors revolve around. The intricate interplay between genetic and epigenetic pathways assumes pivotal roles in governing both normal and malignant cellular development.
생체 내 암 발생 원리 규명
세포의 정상 분화 및 암화의 조절 메커니즘 규명
암특이적인 변이를 표적으로 하는 새로운 표적항암제 개발
비만, 당뇨, 간질환 등 대사질환의 후생유전학적 조절 및 암과의 상관성

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